September 8 has always been an important day in St. Mary’s Muhaisnah and it was no different for this school year 2022-2023. Amongst all other celebrations, Mother Mary’s birthday remains especially engraved in the hearts of students and teachers alike. On this day, lines and rows of students, ranging from years 1 to 11, all […]

Inclusion Culminating Activity 2022

The Pastoral Care department spearheaded a culminating activity with the theme “Grit…Grip…Greatness” last June 28, 2022 held in the St. Mary’s Muhaisnah library. The Pastoral team – Miss Maf, Miss Ampi, Miss Kate and Miss Ann, headed by Sister Victoria awarded a certificate of completion from the Inclusion programme to the following students. Amber Ella […]

Proud EXPO 2020 Heart Volunteers from SMM

Expo 2020 Connecting Minds,Creating the Future Proud EXPO 2020 Heart Volunteers from SMM Sr. Tess for Ethiopia andMs. Salve Fernandez for Sierra Leone Photo Gallery

EYFS Virtual Field Trip

Students of Foundation Stage took a virtual field trip to a dentist’s office in Sharjah. Dr. Tabassum,  a Dentist at Abdul Ghani Medical Centre.  She was happy to show them around her office. She spoke to the students about making healthy food choices and keeping their teeth clean and healthy. They then had fun practising the ‘ […]

EYFS Innovation Photos

Event: Innovation Day Date: 28/10/2021 Participants: FS students and their families. Activity: Make or design a project along with their parents using recyclable materials. Goal: As a part of our initiative to inculcate a culture of innovation, creativity and critical thinking among our students, and also stay in line with the UAE Expo 2020 theme, […]

National Astronomy Challenge

The National Astronomy Challenge is back! NAC unlike any other Olympiad is the only Engagement led Olympiad which provides 5 months of the learning journey for the registered students while guiding them to prepare for the exam which will be held online in January 2022. Registration can be done by clicking the following link: https://www.townscript.com/e/nac-overseas-schools-124303     Who Can participate: Grade 4 […]