Mission Vision & Values

St. Mary’s Muhaisnah High School Mission, 2024-2029
Our mission is to provide quality, affordable, and inclusive education that adapts to an ever-evolving society. We will promote a passion for thinking and learning among both students and staff together with an increasing understanding of themselves and their world through critical thinking, problem solving, discovery and reflection. Students will be inspired to take initiative, be innovative, resilient and collaborate with others, guided by the values of integrity, compassion, aspiration, stewardship, and advocacy in our multicultural environment.
St. Mary’s Muhaisnah High School Vision Statement 2024-2029
Our school will be renowned for empowering all students to be successful, independent learners, who achieve with purpose. Our students will be compassionate and resilient, embracing challenge and change; and committed to making a difference. They will be authors of their own futures; and each leaving a footprint in our community.
 St. Mary’s Muhaisnah High School Values 2024-2029
Integrity We are driven by a clear moral compass; we strive to do the right thing at all times
  • Honesty
  • Accountability
  • Diversity
  • Tolerance
  Compassion We show kindness and caring, with a desire to help
  • Respect
  • Peace
  • Care & Safety
  • Kindness
  • Forgiveness
  Aspiration We desire for achievement and success in all our endeavours
  • Excellence
  • Resilience
  • Perseverance
  Stewardship We care for all that is entrusted to us, for those that follow.
  • Sustainability
  • Global Citizenship
  • Conservation
  Advocacy We support what is right and just for ourselves, and for those of us with less of a voice
  • Inclusivity
  • Community
  • Service