St. Mary’s Muhaisnah WORLD BOOK DAY, 2022

Fairy tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten. – Neil Gaiman Books take old and children alike to places to marvel on the most beautiful and to witness the most atrocious. They tell to fear not and be brave […]


Spelling Bee is a yearly event in the Primary at Saint Mary’s Catholic High School, Muhaisnah. This year’s SB Championship Round, held on16 March 2022, did not only aim to challenge the students to take spelling seriously as part of their English lessons, but to encourage camaraderie and collaboration across Upper KS2 students. Each group […]

The Neophyte Nails It

Eloisa Lagrimas 10-year old Elijah Lluvi Caballero of Year 5C clinched one of the 3 top spots in the acclaimed ‘Emirates Literature ENBD Poetry for All’ competition held virtually on the 28 th of February, 2021. Elijah Lluvi Caballero was the harbinger of success for SMM’s participants in national competitions when he was named as […]

First St. Mary’s Muhaisnah Coffee Morning and Reading Workshop Held

The first St. Mary’s Muhaisnah Coffee Morning and Reading Workshop was held last January 24, 2019 at the St. Mary’s Muhaisnah Library. Its goal was to actively involve the St. Mary’s Muhaisnah parents in the school’s endeavour of supporting the UAE National Agenda of creating and strengthening a generation of lifelong readers who enjoy books […]