St. Mary’s Muhaisnah 1st Parents’ Induction of Students of Determination

St. Mary’s Muhaisnah recognizes the vital role of parents in the education of their children especially of students of determination. A total of 12 parents convened on 21st of November to discuss about inclusion and creating support group to further strengthen the Inclusion Support Department’s open door policy. Parents were warmly welcomed by Sr. Tess […]

On the 3rd day of the training of the LSA’s 11 October 2018, the discussion started with the sharing of Miss Maf on the form “Impact of Provision.” She shared the process and the importance of the document in monitoring the impact of whatever provision is shared with students of concern (wave 2) and wave […]

Last 4 October 2018, the Learning support assistants had their 2nd CPD with the Inclusion support team in the presence of S. Alma, Head of Pastoral Care. The session had started at 1:20 PM in the 3-C Classroom. The discussion started with Miss Maf presenting the Blue book to the LSA’s with Mr. Dax becoming […]