The collaborative home-school partnership of the Inclusion parents and the entire Pastoral Team (Inclusion and Wellbeing, Guidance and Counseling) organized a significant advocacy in helping St. Mary’s Muhaisnah students, specifically those under the care of the department.
The event commenced with an opening prayer led by Mr. Sulaman John Alam, the parent hired Learning Support Assistant and emceed by Mrs. Lorraine Pinto, the Inclusion parent representative.
The most awaited topic, “How to Help Your Child Do Better @ School” was entirely
facilitated by the school partner specialist, Dr. Rajeshree Singhania, a Specialist Pediatrician and Neurodevelopmental Pediatrics.
Dr. Singhania introduced the developmental impact on learning, that children develop normally at different rates. The interlinking of language in learning is inseparable in nature and process. Early detection of possible Language Disorders is very crucial to prevent development of anxiety in learning. Parents are playing a vital role to uplift the challenges on their own. Calmness is really a skill that enables us to pacify the storm of hidden killing loneliness and depression.
Our distinguished spokesperson, gave emphasis on the vital functions of healthy living in the learning process of the learners. The impact of having enough sleep, on the attention, concentration, memory and moods of the children are undeniable. Much more if proper meals are given so that absorptions of information can possibly take place and be retained. The regular physical exercise that awakens the physiological process, helps boost long term memory and happiness.
Parental support, care and nurturance given consistently to a growing child, are the best tools and actions to counter the challenges of growing in a mature and healthy way.