Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not. – The Lorax by Dr. Seuss Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs UN – SDG 2- End hunger, achieve […]
EYFS Act of Kindness 2022

Event: Charity Day 2022 Theme: Giving leads to happiness Date: 10 September 2022 Participants: FS students and their families and staff Activities: Random Acts of Kindness – children encouraged to make a positive impact and feel great at the same time. Goal: Charity, our value in the UAE reiterated hoping this will help our little ones feel empathy for the less […]
Musical Show at St. Mary’s Muhaisnah 2022-2023

To have an extraordinary and memorable start of the academic year, St. Mary’s Muhaisnah hosted a musical show organized by The S4K Theatre Company for the students of EYFS and Primary on 15 th Sept, 2022. For the students of EYFS – Y2, ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and for the students of Y3-6, ‘The Treasure […]
Parents of students of Primary were invited for an Orientation session on 15 th September, 2022. The teaching staff of Primary, the Senior Leadership Team and the members of the Pastoral team attended the meeting. The parents were welcomed by the principal, Mr Jaime Roth. The Vice Principal, Primary, Ms Ishani Khanna, presented a brief […]

September 8 has always been an important day in St. Mary’s Muhaisnah and it was no different for this school year 2022-2023. Amongst all other celebrations, Mother Mary’s birthday remains especially engraved in the hearts of students and teachers alike. On this day, lines and rows of students, ranging from years 1 to 11, all […]
St. Mary’s Muhaisnah INDUCTION PROGRAMME 2022-2023

Preparation, tenacity and a common goal are the cornerstones of improvement and progress. The road to achieving the goals may at times be bumpy, but they are certainly attainable when we plan well for both the wins and the odds of the new academic year. A robust Induction programme is that which sets the tone […]
Mental Math World Cup 2022

16th of July 2022–SMM’s pride and joy, Ashley Elmo Colaco, 14, makes the Grand-Finale of the Mental Math World Cup 2022! Congratulations for ranking an outstanding 12th against other participants in the UAE alone and 65th amongst other formidable competitors in the world, garnering the respect of being among the top 100 rankers in his category. Cheers to […]
EYFS Moving Up Ceremony 2021-2022

Event: EYFS Moving up Ceremony! Date: 30/6/2022 Participants: FS students. Activity: It’s time to celebrate! Our students showcased skills they acquired in Foundation stage. Goal: Moving up is a special event wherein students officially move up to their next level of education, especially in the EYFS as it marks a milestone of their life. Learning […]