On the 3rd day of the training of the LSA’s 11 October 2018, the discussion started with the sharing of Miss Maf on the form “Impact of Provision.” She shared the process and the importance of the document in monitoring the impact of whatever provision is shared with students of concern (wave 2) and wave 3 students. This form will be filled-out by the LSA’s themselves with their own reflections and monitoring of the effectiveness of their interventions done. This becomes a support document for the students who are in their care.

A follow-up on the assignments of the LSA’s was facilitated by Miss Meriam. It was about identifying 5 of the most vulnerable pupils in their own respective charges. Most of the LSA’s did share their identified students and it was explained to them that parent communication and meeting may not yet be needed at this point since the wave two intervention that the students will be receiving is still part of classroom extra assistance. As the names of the students were shared, they were clustered into BSE cases, Speech and language, Academic/reading/concept acquisition.
The LST’s mentioned that the basic training that they will be sharing with the LSA’s will be on the PHONICS Programme. This is due to the number of students whose concern are about difficulty expressing themselves in verbal and written form. Some of the observed behavioural cases also had some phonics related concerns that hopefully as the child would be assisted first on this aspect, the behavioural issues may also be lessened.

After everyone’s sharing, the data was noted and the group had to be broken down to two, the EYFS LSA’s stayed with Miss Mary Ann and Mr. Chris on a behavioural issues and manifestations in the early years. Sharing of the EYFS LSA’s was drawn from their daily experiences with their student charges and the sharing will need to continue on Ms. Ann and Chris discussing theoretical bases on the psychosocial development/and behavioural interventions.
The other group went to continue the meeting with the primary level LSA with both the LST and Miss Dianne at the inclusion support centre. They have discussed the schedule for their intervention program which was similar to what transpired last academic year. Mr. Dax was tasked to send the revised schedule whilst Miss Shehla will be doing their phonics intervention programme on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Miss Leah, Anna Liza and Chinoye will be having six students and will be utilising phonics time of year 1 to facilitate further at level phonics sessions with them.