EYFS Innovation Day 2022
Event: Innovation Day Date: 14/10/2022 Participants: FS students. Activity: Make or design a project along with their parents using recyclable materials. Students displayed their projects in their booths for a Gallery walk where all their peers in FS, Year 1 and Year 2 could see, ask questions and talk about. Goal: The main objective of this activity is to encourage […]
Breast Cancer Awareness Day 2022
Breast Cancer Awareness Day in Primary was observed on 13 th October, 2022. Students of Years 1-6 were given a short introduction about some diseases that can be prevented through regular visits to the doctor to impress upon them the importance of timely intervention in simple terms. A video display was used to explain breast […]
EYFS Sports Day 2021-2022

Secondary Sports Day 2021-2022

Awareness of Food Loss & Waste

Event: Awareness of Food Loss & WasteDate: 29/10/2022 Participants: FS students and their families Activity: #SMMFSLovesFOODHatesWaste – Children along with their families are encouraged to recreate a new dish from any leftover food at home. Goal: Create awareness among young children to avoid food loss and wastage for the people and for the planet. Children […]
St. Mary’s Muhaisnah GREENING PROJECT

St. Mary’s Muhaisnah Greening Project is an innovative new addition to the range of learning experiences of the Primary students of years 3-6. It enables making cross curricular links between science and geography while providing the opportunity of gaining knowledge of the real world. In addition, the joy of seeing plants grow as a result […]